We are a group of passionate businessmen and women, veterans, nonprofit board members and healthcare professionals banding together for one reason: to help end the shame of this country’s inability to care for our veterans currently fighting silent battles to lead happy, healthy and productive lives.

Our group has worked with more than 4,000 veterans, helping them overcome physical and mental challenges or blocks to their success. 

We’re an experiential education partner with the Maricopa County Community College District and its 260,000 students and concentrated veteran population to provide an innovative veteran leadership program of business entrepreneurship that can provide scholarships, college credits, and most importantly, advocates for other veterans who need help.

We’re collaborating with the VA's Veterans Economic Communities Initiative (VECI) aiming to increase the number of education and employment opportunities for veterans and their families through a network of support at the community level.
Where does your $10, $20, $1000 go? It goes to fund solutions for long-term life improvement programs which veterans can now access free of charge. 
With your donation, you become part of the solution. Lets save lives!



Stress and trauma can compromise and undermine our lives. The cost of stress is enormous. Our overall well being is tied to our brain health. AARP’s survey stated 91% of Americans are now likely to engage in brain fitness to support living a more enjoyable and self-managed life.


Our goal of $250,000 will help veterans and their
 families regain their health and succeed at college and the workplace with greater well-being. We do that with a specific and innovative strategy designed to cover their costs:

  • Fund a pilot leadership program for veteran students in partnership with Mesa Community College in Mesa, Arizona, one of the largest community colleges in the U.S., with 30,000 students and  1,000 veterans enrolled.  The program is an unmatched opportunity for veterans to participate in a relevant social entrepreneurship program covering the art of human resource management, philanthropy and fund raising, marketing, and measuring a business for impact. The veteran student will be paired with a veteran in the community who needs an advocate for his/her health improvement. College credit and scholarships may be available.
Once the pilot college campus is up and running, we plan to launch it nationwide.

  • Fund programs which successfully utilize technology to naturally help support the brain’s own innate ability to regain a state of optimal functioning. The core technology was developed through a grant by the U.S. Army Research Office. 4,000 veterans have gone through the program, but hundreds of thousands more – and their families – need additional and crucial health support.

Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosted Senator John McCain at Visit Mesa with Heal the Hero Chief Operating Officer Joe Holmes about the opportunity to help our veterans through community driven programs.

You should feel good about your donation because

  1. It is going to fund a long-term solution. Improved health equals education possibilities and sustainable employment. Getting healthy is arguably the most essential task we can do…and for millions of veterans, it is THE most essential thing.
  2. Your donation supports the work funded by the U.S Army Research Office to develop our solutions.
  3. While there are many necessary programs available today to help veterans, this cause gets to the core of the problem and provides a direct solution. And it’s managed by a highly qualified group of businessmen and women.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you are unable to contribute, that doesn't mean you can't help:
  • Share our message on social media to get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
Together, we can initiate change.


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